Solar Forecast Arbiter Blog

Will Holmgren, Nov 02, 2018

The goal of this blog is to provide a place for the Solar Forecast Arbiter team to communicate project updates and discuss related material in an informal way. We hope that it gives the solar forecast community some additional insight into our thinking.

We welcome your suggestions for topics! Please send your suggestions to, make an issue on the project webpage GitHub repository, or contact a team member directly. We are also open to guest posts written by stakeholders. Please let us know if you’d like to contribute a post.

A few words about the mechanics of the blog. The blog posts are written in Markdown format. The blog, like the rest of this website, is built with Jekyll. For now, we’re using GitHub Pages to render and serve the website and blog. See the website’s README for more details.

We considered adding a commenting feature using the popular disqus service. Unfortunately, disqus tracks users across sites. We’ll reconsider comments if a better service becomes available or if disqus changes their tracking policy. We also considered hosting the blog using Blogger to take advantage of its commenting support. The downside of blogger is that it would require that users go to a different website to view the blog. We decided it was better to keep it simple and host all of the content on Finally, writing the posts in Markdown on GitHub is better-aligned with the project goals of promoting auditable and reproducible analyses.